LLC Resources
A limited liability company (LLC) is the most encouraged business structure for small businesses. If you plan to form an LLC, it’s good to stay informed and know all the requirements. Below is a summary of LLC basics, tax guides, benefits, and the best practices.
LLC Basics
If you're about to form your first LLC, here are the most common LLC questions and LLC basics.
Types of LLC
There are various types of LLC you can choose from. These LLCs are tailored to different business needs. Get to know each one before deciding which one to go for.
Forming an LLC
Even though the process of forming an LLC is not that complex, there are a lot of requirements and procedures that you need to follow. Here are related topics and questions that usually arise when forming an LLC.
LLC Taxes
How an LLC is taxed will depend on how the business chooses to be taxed. Below are the tax considerations that you should keep in mind.
LLC Maintenance
Have you formed your LLC company and now you are wondering what to do next? Here are the steps to take after formation to avoid pitfalls and insure the smooth operation of your LLC.
LLC Changes
There will come a time when you need to make changes to the information associated with your LLC. Here are examples of these changes.