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Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young


Entrepreneurship education, business management, business strategy


Senior Business Writer


Bachelor's degree in Finance, The Ohio State University

Carolyn Young has over 25 years of experience in business in various roles, including bank management, marketing management, and business education.

She has written business plans for companies with complex products and business models, including a technology company that built a search engine optimization tool, a biotechnology company, and an online marketplace. She has helped several startup companies get off the ground.

She is the author of several entrepreneurship textbooks, and she created related entrepreneurship curriculum that has been taught in universities internationally. Titles include Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Lean Accelerator. The textbooks were part of an online learning platform designed for high school and college students. She was the Direct of Product Development for the company, Venture Highway, that launched the platform.

Carolyn also has expertise in financial business writing, with numerous financial whitepapers under her belt, as well as a technical manual for Chief Financial Officers.

She has been a freelance business writer for over ten years and has a bachelor’s degree in Finance from The Ohio State University. She is also the author of a novel, The Perfect View.

Carolyn has been featured in many online publications. Some of them include:

Recent articles

What Is a Domestic LLC?

What Is a Domestic LLC?

Carolyn Young

Published on February 14, 2023

If you’re in the process of starting a business, you may be considering forming a limited liability company (LLC). Before you do so, you shouldkno ...

Learn How to Form a Partnership Using These 7 Steps

Learn How to Form a Partnership Using These 7 Steps

Carolyn Young

Published on February 14, 2023

If you and one or more people are starting a business, you may want to form a partnership. But this is not a step to be taken lightly, as you’llha ...

How to Open a Bank Account for an LLC

How to Open a Bank Account for an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on February 14, 2023

When you start a business and form a limited liability company (LLC), a key step is opening a business bank account in order to separate yourpersona ...

Entrepreneur vs. Small Business Owner

Entrepreneur vs. Small Business Owner

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

The common assumption is that anyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur. From the owner of a cafe or a dry cleaners to the founder of asoftwar ...

10 Questions to Ask an Entrepreneur (If You Want to Become One)

10 Questions to Ask an Entrepreneur (If You Want to Become One)

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

If you’re thinking of launching a business for the first time, it helps to prepare yourself with as much entrepreneurial insight as possible. Them ...

7 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

7 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

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31 Key Entrepreneur Statistics You Need to Know

31 Key Entrepreneur Statistics You Need to Know

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

Despite the pandemic – or perhaps because of it – Americans have started new businesses in record numbers in the last few years. As countlesspeo ...

How Do Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) Pay Taxes?

How Do Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) Pay Taxes?

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

When you start a business and form a limited liability company (LLC), you step into a brand new world. One major hurdle is the dreaded T word –tax ...

7 Common Entrepreneurial Risks

7 Common Entrepreneurial Risks

Carolyn Young

Published on January 21, 2023

Entrepreneurship often delivers great rewards, including financial gain, a sense of accomplishment, and greater control of your time and future. But ...