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Esther Strauss

Esther Strauss

Esther Strauss


Business management, Business strategy, Personal finance, Human resources management, Media planning




Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, Mannheim Business School, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Esther Strauss is the co-founder of Step By Step Business, as well as an accomplished author and speaker.


Esther attended the University of Pennsylvania, during which time she studied abroad at Oxford University. While at Penn, she was involved in an entrepreneurship program and won the Best Business Idea award twice. She earned her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She was also an assistant professor at Babson College and taught entrepreneurial leadership courses.


Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor. She has founded companies in technology and media, both of which had successful exits within 5 years. The companies now employ over 200 people. She has several impressive accomplishments in the media field.

Esther was named a “Corporate Champion” in Folio Magazine’s 2019 Top Women in Media Awards. She also appears in print, broadcast and streaming media as a personal finance and careers commentator and expert.

She served as the Director of Client Services at SET Media, a video ad technology company. She started her career in media planning at Universal McCann in San Francisco working with brands such as Microsoft and Sony.

Her work has achieved award-winning results including EPPY, OMMA and W3 awards in UI/UX. Visual Aesthetics, and Website Design.

Currently, as a co-founder of Step-By-Step Business, a company focused on educating aspiring entrepreneurs, her role is to strategically drive the growth of the company, and to make sure that the information provided to entrepreneurs provides the greatest possible value. The company’s long-term goal is to inspire the formation of thousands of new businesses by creating awareness of opportunities and providing comprehensive guidance to entrepreneurs around the world.



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