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LLC Guides

How to Name an LLC

How to Name an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on December 13, 2021

If you are starting a business and considering forming a limited liability company (LLC), at some point you’ll have to choose an LLC name. Yourcom ...

How to Pay Yourself from an LLC

How to Pay Yourself from an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on December 13, 2021

You launched your limited liability company (LLC) to make money, but you’ve noticed that your customers’ payments go directly to your LLC, notto ...

A Guide to Buying a Property as an LLC

A Guide to Buying a Property as an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on December 10, 2021

Can a limited liability corporation (LLC) buy a house or other property? Yes indeed! An LLC is its own entity and can own property and other assets, ...

How to Add a DBA to an LLC

How to Add a DBA to an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on December 8, 2021

If you’re starting a business, you may decide to form a limited liability company (LLC) and choose a great name for the business. Still, at somepo ...

How to Find the Owner of an LLC

How to Find the Owner of an LLC

Carolyn Young

Published on December 7, 2021

If you’re considering doing business with a limited liability company (LLC), or have already done so, you may be interested in finding out whoowns ...

Pros and Cons to Running an LLC from Home

Pros and Cons to Running an LLC from Home

Carolyn Young

Published on December 7, 2021

In the early stages, many companies run their operations from home to keep costs low. Running your LLC out of your home can be a good alternativefor ...

How to Convert from an LLC to an S Corp

How to Convert from an LLC to an S Corp

Carolyn Young

Published on December 7, 2021

At some point in your entrepreneurial journey, you may decide that having an S Corporation (S Corp) is more beneficial than a limited liabilitycompa ...

How to Transfer an LLC Ownership

How to Transfer an LLC Ownership

Carolyn Young

Published on December 7, 2021

At some point in your entrepreneurial journey you may need to transfer ownership in your limited liability company (LLC), in part or in full. Maybey ...

How to Set Up an LLC for Investments

How to Set Up an LLC for Investments

Martin Eckler

Published on November 21, 2021

Often, people set up LLCs for purposes of investing with other people to pool money, or just for their own individual investments. Reasons to do soi ...

How to Change an LLC Name

How to Change an LLC Name

Carolyn Young

Published on November 21, 2021

At some point in the course of your business journey, you may decide to change your business name. It could be due to a change in your type ofbusine ...