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Startup Basics

Embark on your entrepreneurial journey with insights into the basics, from understanding the various types of entrepreneurship to choosing the right legal structure. Navigate the initial steps of building your dream venture with confidence.

Entrepreneurship 101

Delve into entrepreneurship basics, the essential guides for aspiring entrepreneurs eager to transform ideas into thriving ventures.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

Victoria Yu

Published on January 21, 2023

So you’re developing your brilliant business idea and getting ready to launch. But what’snext? Your first decisions as an entrepreneur canbe ...

How to Finance a New Business – 11 Options to Consider

How to Finance a New Business – 11 Options to Consider

Carolyn Young

Published on October 13, 2021

You may have a great business idea and big dreams about launching and growing a successful company, but you’re having troubling coming up with ...

Job vs. Business – Which Is Right for You?

Job vs. Business – Which Is Right for You?

Carolyn Young

Published on July 13, 2021

When you get up to go to work every day, you might wonder if there’s a better way. You may have a business idea, and dreams of being asuccess ...

How to Open a Business Bank Account in 6 Steps

How to Open a Business Bank Account in 6 Steps

Esther Strauss

Published on August 13, 2021

There are plenty of reasons to open a business bank account. Even if you are the only employee of your business, it’s logical to separate ...

Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

You’re probably familiar with entrepreneurship: it’s the process of developing an idea into a business and, hopefully, achieving success. Fromth ...

Entrepreneur vs. Small Business Owner

Entrepreneur vs. Small Business Owner

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

The common assumption is that anyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur. From the owner of a cafe or a dry cleaners to the founder of asoftwar ...

Do You Need a Degree to Start a Business?

Do You Need a Degree to Start a Business?

Carolyn Young

Published on July 28, 2021

To be an entrepreneur you need determination and drive, but you don’t need a formal education. While you may gain useful skills inacquirin ...

75 Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

75 Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

Hit a rough patch on the road to success? Maybe now’s a great time for some entrepreneurial wisdom.  Check out these great quotes fromsuccess ...

7 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

7 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

When you decide to take the leap and start your own business, you’ll probably need to learn to do many things you’ve never done before – liken ...

7 Common Entrepreneurial Risks

7 Common Entrepreneurial Risks

Carolyn Young

Published on January 21, 2023

Entrepreneurship often delivers great rewards, including financial gain, a sense of accomplishment, and greater control of your time and future. But ...

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship Is Important

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship Is Important

Victoria Yu

Published on January 22, 2023

November is the US’ National Entrepreneurship Month and in 2022 the president celebrated “the doers, dreamers, and job creators whose vision and ...

5 Entrepreneurs Who Failed Before Becoming Successful

5 Entrepreneurs Who Failed Before Becoming Successful

Victoria Yu

Published on January 21, 2023

Businesses fail for many reasons: bankruptcy, inadequate market knowledge, poor demand, or just plain old bad luck. Business ventures are rarelysmoo ...

5 Best First Jobs for People Interested in Entrepreneurship

5 Best First Jobs for People Interested in Entrepreneurship

Victoria Yu

Published on January 21, 2023

So your dream is to start a successful business, but you don’t think you’re ready just yet and want a job that will provide some relevantexperie ...

36 Inspirational Quotes from Women Entrepreneurs

36 Inspirational Quotes from Women Entrepreneurs

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

In recent years, women entrepreneurs have made significant strides in the world of business, breaking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings.Fr ...

31 Key Entrepreneur Statistics You Need to Know

31 Key Entrepreneur Statistics You Need to Know

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

Despite the pandemic – or perhaps because of it – Americans have started new businesses in record numbers in the last few years. As countlesspeo ...

10 Questions to Ask an Entrepreneur (If You Want to Become One)

10 Questions to Ask an Entrepreneur (If You Want to Become One)

Carolyn Young

Published on January 22, 2023

If you’re thinking of launching a business for the first time, it helps to prepare yourself with as much entrepreneurial insight as possible. Them ...

10 Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

10 Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

Sometimes the best way to learn is through a story. From broker biopics to bootstrapping college students, thousands of movies portray the trialsand ...

Top 10 Most-Recommended Entrepreneurship Podcasts

Top 10 Most-Recommended Entrepreneurship Podcasts

Victoria Yu

Published on January 22, 2023

If you’re a new entrepreneur, you’re likely too busy running your business to sit down with a good book and learn about entrepreneurship. Butfor ...

10 Best Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

10 Best Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

Whether you’re a veteran entrepreneur or just planning your first business, there’s always more to learn about running a successful business.Eve ...

Business Structures

Explore the various business structures to determine the optimal framework for your budding enterprise.

How to Choose a Business Structure

How to Choose a Business Structure

Carolyn Young

Published on September 26, 2021

Starting a business can be stressful, even overwhelming. The last thing you need is one more issue to think about, but you really should take thetim ...

What Is a Sole Proprietorship?

What Is a Sole Proprietorship?

Carolyn Young

Published on February 4, 2022

If you’re starting a business, the type of business entity you choose is absolutely crucial. One of your options is a sole proprietorship. Ify ...

How to Start an LLC in 8 Easy Steps

How to Start an LLC in 8 Easy Steps

Carolyn Young

Published on September 2, 2021

A limited liability company (LLC) is an increasingly popular business structure for startups in the US, offering liability protection for ownershipa ...

Learn How to Form a Partnership Using These 7 Steps

Learn How to Form a Partnership Using These 7 Steps

Carolyn Young

Published on February 14, 2023

If you and one or more people are starting a business, you may want to form a partnership. But this is not a step to be taken lightly, as you’llha ...

How to Start a Corporation in 8 Steps

How to Start a Corporation in 8 Steps

Carolyn Young

Published on September 28, 2021

When starting a business, one of the most important decisions to make is which type of business entity to form. A corporation is often the choice of ...

Types of Entrepreneurship

Discover the diverse landscape of entrepreneurship, understanding the distinct types and finding the path that resonates with your vision.

5 Common Types of Entrepreneurship

5 Common Types of Entrepreneurship

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

Not all businesses are created equal, and an entrepreneurial venture can be defined based on its size or mission. So which type of entrepreneurshipw ...

What is a Creative Entrepreneur?

What is a Creative Entrepreneur?

Victoria Yu

Published on January 21, 2023

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably watched musicians and performers on YouTube and TikTok and wondered how best to label these folks in ...

What is a Serial Entrepreneur and How to Become One

What is a Serial Entrepreneur and How to Become One

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

If you’ve heard the term “serial entrepreneur,” you might not be entirely sure what it means. Is it like a serial LLC? Is it a person whostart ...

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Victoria Yu

Published on January 10, 2023

You may have heard the term “social entrepreneur”, which has gained popularity in recent years. But what does it mean, exactly? And how issocial ...